Wednesday, 27 July 2016

What's a God to a non-believer?

The Great Depression in the 1930s is seen to be the worse economic collapse of recent human history. Total world GDP fell by 15%, in comparison to the Great Recession (2007) that saw GDP drop by less than 1%. The reason for recessions is unknown; there are theories that markets are in a constant cycle of “bust and boom”, where we have prosperous periods, and recessions. This cycle has repeated itself monotonously for hundreds of years, apart from two that stand out (since they aren’t due to war or from backlash of other major recessions); the Great Depression and the Great Recession. 

If you haven’t seen “The Big Short”, I'd highly recommend it. It will cover a lot of the more in-depth economical knowledge of the Great Recession, since I’m at no pedestal to talk from.

Now we have the economics out the way, onto the politics. When the banks failed in 2009, the Government bailed them out. When the Government failed to bail out the smaller banks, these were either liquidated or bought off by the much larger banks. This is all because of the fraud that exploited itself inside the housing market. In 2006, economic experts said the housing market was too big to fail. When it failed, they said the economic climate would bounce back because the banks were to big to fail. They did. The biggest banks, for example JP Morgen Chase & Co, bought up the rest of the failing banks and created a super bank. There are about four major banks in the US right now, they set their limits and desires, they control themselves. The banks are our Kings to us because we, as a mob, panic and worry, and when we do we go to our King for stability. This King of our controls our life without knowing it. And then money is God, omniscient, omnipotent and benevolent, but used in the wrong way by the King; exploiting the idea of God for they’re own personal gain. They make money an excuse for pain and happiness, seeing money as pointless because it isn’t money, it’s a ball and chain. 

Human beings in a mob, stumbling around life, with profit being the only goal. However, profit isn’t the problem, money isn’t the problem, it’s the value of what it means. I don’t mean that £20 is worth x amount of good and services, but the reliability of it. Consumerism and materialism is seen as a life condition that is mandatory. We buy things we don’t need to feel happiness because of the money it was worth. Life isn’t about that. Life is about enjoying the moments free of time and space, enjoying the present, regardless of stability, money or services. 

Excusing my life coaching session, and onwards with criticising the social construct of creation. I don’t see myself as a Marxist, Left Wing or Liberal. Neither do I see myself on the opposite side either, but that’s regardless of my point. But there is a sole problem that connects all the dots. Inequality; inequality that determines your class, identity and life. Inequality has reached the same point (approximately 25%) now, like it was in 1929. This is after the Great Recession, meaning as the dust cleared and the banks swallowed up themselves in some sort of cannibal soup, the rich got richer. I don’t mean the middle class, nor the top 1%, but the 0.0001%. The unknown billionaires who’ve made their money by destroying the lives of those underneath them. The housing market crashing helped them, the banks failing helped them, because ultimately, they are the ones controlling this. They planned the entire thing because they knew when the ball dropped, they could profit some more. I don’t believe in evil in the world, but to destroy millions of lives without a motive, but for money, for control, is the closest it can come to. And when evil comes, the rest won’t prosper, but unite and destroy. If money is our God, then those bankers are the demons with strings in their hands and a knife in our back.

In 2006, economic experts said the housing market was too big to fail. When it failed, they said the banks were to big to fail. They did. Now we only have one thing left, money. But money is too big to fail? When it does, it will decimate the world we know, and humanity will have nothing left; the illusion will be shattered, we will stop believing. Human Beings in a mob, what’s a mob to a king? What’s a king to a God? What’s a God to a non-believer who don’t believe in anything.

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