...God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1
For thousands of year, man has been ruled by a God. The legislature, executive and judiciary were all in one person; the monarchy. They were a direct voice for God, chosen to lead. 400 years ago was the end of this rule, where man was able to think for himself and to express other opinions. Cromwell and Newton and Galileo and Columbus, to name a few, were some of the minds that led to the Age of Enlightenment. Man would finally question God.
Furthermore, what happened in the 1600s wasn't anti-religious, but pro-human. People started interpreting the Bible differently, and saw the word of God as figurative instead of literal. In the past 400 years since, humanity has exponentially exploded in the fields of medicine, technology, invention and craft.
The problem before the Age of Enlightenment wasn't God, religion or any faith structure, but was the oppressive mainstream ideas. These ideas, taken as facts, that could have so easily been opinions, conquered the world, since the power of the world was held by so few. People were chastised if they spoke out, or went against the status quo; this wasn't punishment by God, but rather people who were wanted to stay in power through the mainstream idea.
The reason for this monotonous history lesson is due to the parallels that can be seen with today. Instead of the Church, we have the media, and instead of a God, we have money. The media, left or right, tabloid or news channel, are all bias. Which is perfectly fine, as contrasting opinions are what define government, politics, and people. However, the news media today, monopolies that control more monopolies that invest and merge with more, is the problem. Issues are reused, nonsense is what fills TV channels, and at no point are real problems being discussed. We live in a time where climate change is 100% undeniable, yet almost no Western governments have a fail safe, a precaution to save the world. This is due to the lack of a public push for the issue. And there are a lot of issues like this. Of course, there is Greenpeace and the Green Party and definitely movement on this particular problem, but that is negligible compared the the actual population. Again, this revolves back to how the media isn't portraying the problem. Instead they rehash the same gibberish that's inside the box.
We are at a crossroads in time. We can go one way, or another, and seek different results with different desires. But the problem isn't whether to decide to go forwards, backwards, left or right, but to move. We are at a standstill. Now is when humanity has a chance to change the future, for the better, and instead of sitting idling waiting for the next generation, we can actually make change. The problem isn't with money or power or monopolies or even the media; it's greed. And there lies the epicentre of problems with the world. Personal gain, profit, the 1%, aren't evil ideas, they're actually partly a factor for why the Age of Enlightenment happened. Only when power is gained at the expense of others is when it becomes a human flaw.
When you teach a population only half of all there is, that doesn't make them uneducated, ignorant or bias. They use the facts they've learned to form opinions, which is human nature. But oppressive facts make foolish opinions, as there's another untold side to every story. Only being taught half of a story is what makes people a believer of nonsense, and then the vessel for God has ultimate power.
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