Tuesday, 19 July 2016


Politics isn't only what governs you and I. It isn't only the executive, legislature and judiciary. It isn't only the ideologies that direct our views: politics is the relationship between man, government and nation. The evolution of humanity has been most shaped by man's belief in the democratic process, informing science, engineering, welfare and more. Every realm of our civilisation is in direct reference to politics; education, law and order, economics all thrive in the relationship between man. This dynamism and combination of change, connections and collectivism is what inspires my interest in politics.

The information age that we live in today gives every citizen of the world a pedestal to express, to voice their opinions and speak what humanity has struggled for centuries to make free. We live in an age where social media can be used to vote for a preferred musician, yet, governmental voting is at an all time low. In 2005, the voting turnout for 18-24 year olds was 38.2%, but just thirteen years prior it was double that. My generation is one of which complains and vocalises more about their lives than any other, yet chooses to delegate the change, rather than to make the change. The youth that doesn't care today will become the society that doesn't care tomorrow. My aim, not just through this blog, but through life, is to reveal to young people that politics matters

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