Tuesday, 2 August 2016

God Bless America 2: The Chamber of Secrets

This is only a short follow up, since I didn't think it was necessary to write it in the first post.

Clinton won't win the election. She is disliked by half of Democrats and all Republicans. She takes money from big banks, and can't handle debates against Bernie Sanders, a 74 year old living in Vermont. Hillary came into this election assuming she can walk it in, using her gender, past and husband to win over the public against some radical Republican who wants to build a wall against CANADA (nice one Cruz). Instead, she has had both a battle internally against Bernie, and externally against Trump. Unfortunately for her, she seems to not understand the change this year is showing with money outside of politics. Regardless of policies, Trump has her crushed since she has taken a wealth of riches from Wall Street, and with Bernie supports still eager for change, they will agree with him. She won't win, it won't be close, Clinton will lose and it will be Trump 2016 since he cares (we don't actually know what he thinks, but it seems like it) about the 99%, not the 1%.

Also she totally broke the law with all that email fiasco and really it's a federal crime and she's shrugging it off like she knows she's above the law. Or maybe she's internally screaming and in her free time searching for apartments in Moscow next to Snowdon's. In reality, she won't be punished for it, rather she'll get a free pass because of reasons outside of all of our control.

Oh, that's another reason she won't win, since it is in our control, with what democracy we have left.

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